The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

Month: June 2010

House Guests

We will have our second set of house guests today, and we are so excited! Grant and Corrie from Lubbock, TX will join us for a brief stay. Corrie and Amanda served overseas during the same years, and then went to graduate school together. It’s been amazing to watch how God has worked in both of our lives, giving us a new status (that of wifehood), and brought new challenges in our lives…ALL within a year. It will be fun to sit and talk about what has happened in the last few months as both of us have adjusted to married life. I love when God gives us these little surprise blessings!

Now pray our husbands can handle the night full of talking and laughing…I think they will do OK! : )  Sadly…this picture tells ALL 🙂

Welcome to Our Blog

We’ve thought alot about beginning a blog, and I’ve even started one a few times. But I’ve not stuck with it. So this is the Walker’s attempt at blogging. It will be a record of our life…and you never know what we might decide to blog about. We hope it will be an encouragement to all who read. So…WELCOME to the Modern Nomads blog. Enjoy!!

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