The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

Month: July 2018 Page 1 of 2

From the Top of the World

Today is one of those two-posts types of days. We left Montreal headed west to Toronto. One of our goals this summer is to try and see one thing new or do something different every time we reach a new city. Sometimes it doesn’t work (like yesterday due to being stuck in traffic), but sometimes it does (like today). 

We arrived in Toronto way ahead of schedule, which allowed us time to actually go into the city. Originally, our goal was to get a good view/picture of the Toronto skyline. So, as all good travelers do, we consulted Google. 🙂 It directed us to this quaint, little neighborhood that overlooked the city. Oh man! What a view! Toronto has one of the most unique skylines I’ve ever seen. It was fun getting some shots of the city. 

View from Chester Hill Road

The girls with me at the lookout

And then…the real fun began. Chris decided it would be a fun idea to actually go into the city and go up the CN Tower. You know, that incredibly TALL tower that is famous in Toronto! So, we drove into the city, parked, and took a little walk to find it. I so enjoyed being back on the streets of an actual international city. We saw so many people from many different countries. My girls were fascinated by the different cultural clothing they saw. I loved being able to explain to them some of the cultures that I actually knew (namely Asian cultures), and then watch them discover a little of it for themselves. They also got to see how people use their gifts and talents to make money and support their families. During our short time in downtown, they saw two people playing an Erhu (Asian violin) which they hadn’t seen before, and then they saw another man playing the saxophone. Finally, they discovered the joy of street food. Everyone was starving, so we stopped for a street stand hot dog. 


Click on link to see the street entertainment.

Yummy street food








Fun Canada street sign

Toronto Blue Jays Stadium

Now, back to that CN Tower… Let me just say, it was the highest building I’ve ever been to the top of. The crazy part of the entire experience was its glass floor where you can actually look ALL. THE. WAY. DOWN! I wish I had a video of Aaron when he walked over it. It’s only partly glass, so you step on it before you realize it. He literally came out of his shoes and ended up running into a wall to get off of it. After that, it didn’t take much convincing to get him to ride in his stroller.  🙂 

Kiddos with Toronto skyline

Family on top of CN Tower

Aaron, don’t look down 🙂

Yep, we went all the way to the top!

Today was one of those crazy, fun days where you go to bed exhausted but glad you took the chance. This summer has stretched our family in so many good ways, and I’m so thankful we got to do this together. Before having children, I enjoyed being spontaneous and trying new things. But, once I became a mommy,  I stopped doing that. I realize that children need routine, but God continues to remind me that they, on occasion, also need spontaneity. Today was a day for spontaneous adventures!

Living on the wild side


Good-byes Lead to New Hellos

Yesterday, we left Machiasport, Maine and headed west. We are so thankful for the Machias community and their love for us this summer. Immediately, we felt like we had lived here our entire lives. The people of Downeast Maine are kind, loving, giving, and some of the most helpful people I have ever met. 

The girls with their swim teacher, Ace.

One of those families is the Larabies. Matt and Marcy are originally from Canada. But, a year ago, God called them to plant their lives in Machias and serve the people there. We “happened” upon Machias Valley Baptist Church because the church we planned to parter with had closed down (so sad!!), and MVBC was the only one that had a working website. However, we believe nothing happens by chance, and we know God led us specifically to this sweet church.

Machias Valley Baptist Church

Matt and Marcy were a breath of fresh air to us, and their girls were amazing towards our little people. Later, we found out that they had informed their church that a pastor’s family was there for a sabbatical, and he asked them to love on us and be an encouragement to us. I was able to go to a Ladies’ Luncheon, and Chris was able to connect with Matt about pastor/ministry related stuff. They had us over to their home several times, and they were a huge help when KK had to spend the morning in the ER. 

Would you please pray for this sweet family? Pray God would continue to give them favor as they serve the Machias Valley area. Pray they wouldn’t get discouraged, which is so easy to do in ministry. Pray that the church would continue to grow, not just numerically but in spiritual depth and emotional health. And, most of all, pray the name of Jesus would be lifted up and glorified through the preaching of His Word. We will definitely miss this sweet family.  

The Walkers and Larabies

Matt and Chris

Marcy and Amanda








As we drove on from Machiasport, we ended up in Quebec, Canada. We’ve been in and out of Canada a lot this summer, but this was the first time we actually felt like we were in another country. Quebec is a sweet, absolutely beautiful province! I loved going into the grocery store and hearing only French. I enjoyed driving down the road and seeing only signs in French. (Thankfully, Chris remembers a bit of French from his high school days.) And, I found it amusing that the Sunday morning cartoons were only in French and ones my kiddos had not seen. It was fun having them tell us what they thought was going on in the story. 

Walker kiddos watching French cartoons 🙂

Entering Quebec Province

Beautiful countryside








We are experiencing so many new things, and I love that my kiddos get to experience it with us. I know they don’t yet understand the significance of this trip or the amazing cultural experiences they have had this summer, but I hope one day they will look back on this summer with fondness and appreciation. It has taken awhile, but I think we have 3 new mini Modern Nomads in the making.  🙂 

Looking Ahead

Tonight is a bittersweet night for the Modern Nomads. Tomorrow is our last day in the place that has become a second home to us. The people of Downeast Maine are some of the kindest, most giving people we have ever met, and we are blessed to now call some of them friends. We’ve had a few mishaps during our stay, and those have provided opportunities for us to see the heart of our adoptive community. From helping us find an auto body shop to fix Red Rocket to Pastor Matt coming to visit with Chris and Makaylan while she was in the ER this morning…the people here have been amazing. Maine provided exactly what we needed during this season of rest. This quiet, off the beaten path, no cell service place will always hold a special place in our hearts. We still have much to process about what God has taught us during this time, and I look forward to sharing that as we feel led. But, for now, I’ll use this space to explain how we got to share this special place with my parents.

Red Rocket: Reunited snd it feels so good!

Yesterday, we said “See ya in Louisiana” to Nana and Popi. We had such a fun time showing them around and introducing them to places we have come to love. Two of those are Roque Bluffs and Schoodic Point. Roque Bluffs is a sweet little sandy beach that our kiddos could run around, build sandcastles, and enjoy the freezing Atlantic Ocean. Monday was no exception. I absolutely loved watching my mom and Aaron chase each other while Aaron giggled, “I get you, Nana!” It was also amazing to capture on film and in my mind’s eye the picture of my mom and girls standing hand in hand along the edge of the ocean. I don’t think I will ever forget that moment. I pray our children know how blessed they are to have two sets of grandparents who love them with their whole heart and seek to be a Godly example to them. Chris and I are overwhelmed by the blessing of having the parents that we have.

Nana with the girls








Schoodic Point is part of Acadia National Park and is exactly how I envisioned Maine to be. We didn’t discover this place until last week when the Walker grandparents were here, but it instantly became one of our favorites. Taking my parents back was so neat for me. There was a storm coming in so the waves were especially active. To see huge waves crashing over large boulders is something incredible to behold. As I stood there watching them roll in, I couldn’t help but think about the massive God I serve. There I stood with nothing between me and the ocean, and yet the ocean didn’t overtake me. I couldn’t help but think of what scripture says in Jeremiah 5:22: “I placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, a perpetual barrier that it cannot pass; though the waves toss, they cannot prevail; though they roar, they cannot pass over it.” 

We serve an amazing God!

Aren’t my parents cute? 🙂








In reality, we are so small compared to the amazing God we serve. Yet, that same God created us, loves us, and desires a relationship with us. This truth is what God has been so sweet to show me this summer. In the rat race of life and being in the trenches of ministry, it is so easy to forget that my loving Heavenly Father loves me, sees me, and cares about me and my family. Ministers spend their lives telling other people these truths, and it’s vital that we believe that truth for ourselves. What a blessing that God would take me to the edge of the raging ocean to remind me of His infinite love and care for me! I don’t think I’ll ever look at the ocean quite the same. 

So, as we get ready to say “good-bye” to this place, I’m looking forward to what God has in store for us. We still have two more weeks of travel before us, but I feel the Lord preparing and turning my heart towards our “real” earthly home…Ruston. Thank you, Maine, for being so good to us.  

Beautiful Downeast Maine

Things I Thought I’d NEVER Say

The last month has been fun, frustrating, interesting, hilarious, and all other emotions in between. We’ve spent countless hours in the van and with each other. When you spend that much time with people, there, of course, will be things that come up that you never dreamed. 

As we get ready to leave Maine Saturday and move on to our next phase of our journey, I thought I would put together some of the top things that I’ve said on this epic road trip. I realize with two more weeks left, there will be other things that come up, but these were just too good to pass up. I also want to remember this part of the trip and how I felt. It’s difficult to think that in 3 short days we will begin our long trip back west, but we are leaving with so many amazing memories. God has been so sweet to us and given us amazing family time that has produced countless memories. Maine has become a type of sanctuary for us, and I will never forget the kindness of our church family in giving us this time away. 

So…without further ado…here are the Top 10 things I thought I would never say:

  • Stop gagging yourself. (Aaron did this to pass time.)
  • If you throw up, you’ll have a consequence. (See above quote)
  • Stop hitting your sister/brother with rocks.
  • Everyone in one car so we can cross the border.
  • If, you take a nap, I’ll give you a snack. 
  • I really miss Walmart. 
  • I cannot produce food out of nothing…only Jesus can do that.
  • Sure! You can run around naked. (AKA…without a shirt)
  • Baby, I’m craving some McDonald’s coffee! 
  • I’m glad our van got hit by a deer. It’s made me realize that our kiddos really don’t need the DVD for entertainment.

Be looking for a blog about the time spent with the Taylor grandparents. I’ll be posting it soon!

A month in and still all smiles! (This pic was taken after he got ahold of a water bottle and poured it all over himself while I was distracted by finding out where we were. 🙂 )

PEI: My Second Home

This weekend was spent back at the place that is now my second home. The coolest part about this weekend was I got to share it with my mother. She was the one who introduced me to Anne of Green Gables and helped me begin cultivating my love for great stories. I will never forget the feeling or the moment my mom and I stepped around the corner and got our first glimpse of Green Gables. We just stood there, arm in arm, and reminisced about all those times we watched the movies together with a cup of coffee in hand. We envisioned Marilla and Anne sitting on the front porch chatting while Rachel Lynde hurried over to interject her opinion into their conversation. Being there with her was completely surreal.

Green Gables…Isn’t it stunning?!

And then…we actually saw Anne and had the opportunity to chat with her. She was “fascinated” by my mom’s fancy jewelry and my girls’ bright clothes. The girl playing her was so much fun. She stayed in character the entire time, and I was willing to allow myself to actually believe we were talking to the real Anne.

Mom, it’s ANNE!

To be honest, I always thought I would see Prince Edward Island on a romantic getaway with my incredible husband. But, I loved the way this has worked out. Sharing PEI with my mother, my own girls, and my mother-in-love was absolutely perfect. It’s hard to describe in words all the emotions I felt and sites I saw this weekend, so I’ll allow the pictures to do the talking…

The Red Cliffs

The Lake of Shining Waters

The beach we stopped at on our carriage ride.

Mom and Hannah on Anne’s beach.

Silver Bush…home of Lucy Montgomery’s uncle and her favorite place as a child.

Daisies are the happiest flowers.

My kiddos picking flowers off the road

All things Anne wasn’t the only thing we did this weekend. We wanted Aaron and the girls to experience part of the amazing countryside of PEI. The farms there are absolutely stunning. It’s hard to describe the beauty of its farmland, but imagine bright greens and yellows over a backdrop of the incredible red soil with a touch of brown in it. So, this time we went to Island Hill Farms and played with their baby goats, chickens, and bunnies while also watching them cut and store hay for the winter. Aaron was loved playing with the goats and watching the “big tractor” haul hay, and the girls were content to just sit and love on the bunnies. It was perfect farm experience for them.

Daddy, look at that tractor!

Sweet baby chickens

The baby bunnies were so soft

Acres of hay bales

I hug you goat!

And then it was on to the Butterfly House to actually allow the girls to be in the midst of a host of butterflies. (I’ll never admit this to KK, but it was a little creepy to me. 🙂 ) Let me just say, KK was in heaven. She has a love for fairies and butterflies. I came up and whispered: “Do you think there are fairies in here?” Oh, to have captured that smile would have been amazing. She just sheepishly grinned and shook her head “yes.” What a thrill it was to see her surrounded by her favorite “animal!”

Mommy, it landed on my finger!

This one loved Hannah…at least the urge the held.


Popi, the butterfly whisperer.

I don’t know how long it will take for me to get back there, but God willing, I will go back. Maybe this time it will be the romantic getaway I once imagine. But, if not, I’m totally okay with that. Sharing places you love with the people you love is one of those gifts of grace that is so precious. Until next time PEI…you have my heart!

The iconic lighthouse on PEI

One of the oldest lighthouses on the island.


The Truth about Mermaids

Do you believe in mermaids? There was a time in my life that I didn’t, but now I am a believer. Actually, I’m living in a house and parenting a blooming mermaid. Of course, I’m talking about our Hannah Boo.

Oh, what a joy it’s been to watch this girl grow! For six years she’s followed her big sister around and did everything and “liked” everything that Makaylan did/liked. If I asked her a question of preference, she would first turn to KK to see what she was going to do. If I made her answer first, she would inevitably “change” her mind the second she knew Makaylan’s answer. However, slowly that conformity began to change…and, at first, I didn’t realize it was happening. 

This past school year, it was difficult for me to have both of my girls away from me. For some reason, it felt like my mothering days were quickly coming to an end. (YES…I know they are only 7 and 6, but I do have a flair for the “dramatic” when it comes to my kiddos growing up. 🙂 ) But, in retrospect, it was one of the best decisions we made for them. You see, it allowed Hannah to begin to discover who she is apart from Makaylan. She began to realize that she really doesn’t like cheese as much as KK. She really does enjoy being a planner/leader, but she doesn’t like/prefer to draw and do all those “crafty” things that KK enjoys. (I think Hannah enjoyed more of the approval we gave to their artwork than the actual process of creating.) But, this summer, one thing has stood above the rest…this girl LOVES to swim!

I remember her first swimming lesson, so this one has come as a bit of a shock. Mrs. Joanne, who is now her principal, was Hannah’s first swim teacher. She literally cried and screamed throughout the entire hour. (Joanne, remember THAT fun day?! HA!) Any time Joanne asked her to blow bubbles, she would go into hysterics. You would literally think that Joanne was trying to drown her. 🙂 However, we made it through that first year, and thus began her love/hate relationship with the water/swimming. She wanted to like it, but KK wasn’t all that interested. So, she decided she wasn’t “interested.” This lasted for a couple of summers, and then last year I began to see the slightest change. We ended up getting a small pool but one big enough that it needed a small filter. Hannah oscillated between being super pumped to get in it to acting like it was no big deal. Once again, it was all dictated on how Makaylan reacted. And, then, this summer came.

Knowing we would be in Maine for a month and knowing I needed a place to workout, we decided to get a monthly membership at the local university’s recreational center. Chris takes the kiddos swimming while I go exercise. One of the first days we were here, Chris met one of the lifeguards who also teaches swimming lessons on the side. Hannah jumped at the chance to take it. So, he signed them up with Ace (the swim instructor). 

Hannah has completely bloomed in her love for the water and in her “skill” as a swimmer. Except for knowing how to stay afloat, I have zero knowledge of “real” swimming. I knew Hannah enjoyed the water, but I was completely delighted to have Ace tell me that she picks it up faster than most girls her age, AND she has the strength and stamina to actually be a good swimmer. There are days where KK doesn’t act too delighted to go to the pool. But, Hannah lives for the moment Chris says, “Everyone go get your swimming suits on!” 

It is such a blessing for me to see Hannah begin to become her own person. It’s also fun for me to help cultivate something in her that will possibly be “her thing.” Yes, I realize we have a long way to go in our parenting journey with our sweet Hannah Boo, and I know she will try, stop, and retry activities along the way. But, for now, I am completely thrilled she is branching out on her own. Daily, I pray my girls will grow up to be best friends, but I also want them to be their own person. Up until now Makaylan has dominated Hannah’s decision making, and I’m excited to see them enjoying different things. 

God has made each of our children different and for their own unique purpose, and I can’t wait to see what God does with our little Mermaid!

She’s suited up and ready to go!

Our Little “Anne”

It has been such a blessing to see my children discover new things this summer. They each have either improved a skill or developed a new one. Since my girls are very close in age, they are often compared to each other. It’s been easier and tempting for me to lump them together instead of seeing them individually. This summer has given them time to discover a little of who they are as a person and not as “KK/Hannah’s sister.” So, today, I’ll focus on Makaylan.

I introduced Anne of Green Gables to my girls about a year ago. (Long before I even dreamed we would be here.) At the time, it was Hannah, not Makaylan, who took to the story. Hannah loved how unruly Anne could be and found her mischievousness to be hilarious. KK, on the other hand, was too practical for that. THEN came this summer.

We’ve been reading the books and watching the movies all summer. Though Hannah still loves Anne’s mischievous ways, it’s Makaylan who has found a “kindred spirit” in Anne’s character. This year KK discovered the absolute joy of reading. It’s hard for me to keep a book in her hand because she reads them so fast. She concluded that we were taking way too long to read Anne of Green Gables, so she decided to read ahead. Therefore, she discovered new things about Anne’s character that resonated within her. KK has always been a little more timid (but outspoken), somewhat “quirky, book-smart girl who sees the world just a tad differently. She studies people, places, and situations thoroughly, but she is not afraid to speak her mind if she must.

In Anne, she sees a little of herself…and she realizes it’s perfectly OK to be her. It’s okay to love to read. It’s okay if you are smart. It’s okay if you like things most seven year olds do not like. It’s beautifully and perfectly okay to be Makaylan!  Oh, what joy this brings to this mama’s heart!

Makaylan has also discovered that she enjoys writing. (This writer mama is leaping with joy!) They’ve seen me write the blog most of the summer, and it never “dawned” on her that I, too, am a writer. She’s asked me so many questions about writing, blogging, and getting books published. To my great joy, she has even began writing a book titled ???? … You will have to wait until it’s ready to be published 🙂 I don’t know how long this writing adventure will last, but I will cultivate it as long as she wants it.

So, to end this post, I will let Makaylan tell you her feelings about coming back to Prince Edward Island. I will post it exactly like she wrote it, and I know you will enjoy PEI through the eyes of Our Little Anne!

Prince Edward Island

Do you want to learn about PEI? If you do you came to the right place. PEI is pretty. Prince Edward Island is where Anne is found. We have been there 1 time. I love PEI. You get to meet Anne, Diana, and Gilbert. We are on are way there. Tonight we are going to Anne and Gilberts love story. I love Anne. I love Diana. I love Gilbert.  And I love you.  We went to Anne’s house. We are about to go over the really tall bridge into PEI that dad doesn’t like and is scared of. We are with Nana and Popi and tomorrow we will go back to Anne’s house. Last time we went into the Haunted Forest. It was fun. I am excited about being back at Prince Edward Island. 

Never a Dull Moment

The last few days have been quite the adventure. Monday afternoon we surprised Nana and Popi at the Bangor Airport and welcomed them to Maine. After a month of being away from them, we were so excited to see them. The kiddos literally ran to them, arms wide open, and jumped on them. To say my parents were surprised would be an understatement. It’s so good to have them here and share with them a place that has become part of our heart. 


Good hugs







However, their arrival was slightly dampened by an excruciating toothache. I’ve heard of people having tooth pain, but I didn’t fully understand it until this week. On Sunday evening, while eating dinner, I bit down on something hard. There was an immediate sharp pain and then the lingering pain. Oh, the lingering pain!! I tried everything to make it stop, but nothing worked. I quickly realized it was going to take a trip to the dentist to figure out what was going on. For those of you who don’t know, I have an extreme phobia of dentist’s offices. I had a terrible dental experience overseas, and I’ve never quite recovered. So, for me to call the dentist was HUGE. They worked me in for Tuesday. The X-rays showed I needed an immediate root canal, and they made the appointment for that afternoon. After giving me good drugs AND gas, they calmed me down and got it done. PRAISE THE LORD I am now pain free. I’m still a little numb, but I’m not complaining, I can deal with a little numbness over a toothache.

On some good drugs








Yesterday (Wednesday) was much better than the previous days. We took my parents to Lubec to see West Quoddy Lighthouse, and I’ve officially decided that it’s my favorite lighthouse. Granted, I’ve only seen a dozen or so, but there’s nothing like the white/red stripes with the Atlantic Ocean as the backdrop. You can actually walk up to the lighthouse and watch the kiddos run around it. I don’t think I’ll ever forgot the sight of my kiddos enjoying this part of American history.

I love this place

West Quoddy







Nana and Popi

We, then, took them to Campobello Island where the Roosevelts had their summer home. This was the second time to visit, and it was cool to be back. The girls had swimming lessons, so Chris took them back early. Aaron ended up sleeping for a while, so we got to enjoy the island longer than we expected. We ended up going back into the U.S. for supper and had the absolute BEST meal I’ve had all summer. (And, that’s saying something because the food up here is incredible!)  

Today, we’re on the road again headed back to Prince Edward Island. I can’t wait to experience PEI WITH my mom. She’s the one who introduced and cultivated my love for Anne, and I’m super excited to go to Green Gables with her. 

Stay tuned for more adventures with the Modern Nomads…  

The adventure continues…


Vacation with Grandparents

Today we said “see ya later” to Honey and Pop and sent them off to Louisiana (via a few more stops to visit friends). What an amazing time we had with them this week! One of the things we enjoy is being able to do things one-on-one with the grandparents. Both of us are blessed to have amazing parents, and we want our children to be around them as much as possible. I (Amanda) don’t remember traveling with my grandparents. And, to my knowledge, we didn’t go on vacation with either of mine. So, it’s precious for me to know that my children will have these amazing memories with their grandparents. 

The girls traded off riding with Honey and Pop and enjoyed personal time with them. Honey always had fun stories of games they played, conversations they had, and sights they saw. I also loved watching Pop teach the girls to play ping pong, pool, and build train tracks with Aaron. They are both so patient with them.

Honey and Pop

Today, we ended our time together at one of the coolest restaurants we’ve been to this summer. Spontaneously, our day became free, so we decided to drive with them to Schoodic Point. Cindy is gluten intolerant and has been searching for a restaurant that serves lobstah on gluten free bread. After a little research, we found a restaurant in Corea and decided to go. Oh. My. Goodness!!! It was the best place! We literally drove to the tip of the peninsula, onto a dirt road, and found the Wharf Gallery restaurant right ON the water. The lobstah is caught and cooked within a day or two. We literally ate with lobstah traps surrounding us. There’s nothing like eating outside with the beautiful Atlantic Ocean as your backdrop.

Lunch view

Love this crew

Wharf Gallery in Corea

Then, it was on to Schoodic Point. The pictures do NOT do this place justice. I came to realize that many of the breathtaking pictures of Maine I’ve seen have been from this location. The girls got to walk out on the rocks and play with the ocean in the background. By the way, watching the girls jump on rocks has been one of my new favorite things. They’ve gotten more comfortable taking chances and doing things they haven’t done before this summer. Normally, KK doesn’t want to try something she’s not confident that she will succeed at, but she’s learning to overcome that lack of confidence.  What a blessing to watch my children be stretched in new ways and actually be there to experience it with them!

1, 2, 3, JUMP

Me and my girls

Schoodic Point

The whole Walker clan

So, as we tell the Walker grandparents “see ya in Louisiana,” we are excited to welcome the Taylor grandparents on Monday! There are more adventures to be had…

Calling in the Cavalry

Yesterday we had quite the adventure while crossing back over the border. As we approached the US boarder crossing it was my job to gather all the passports. Easy task…I had put all of them in the glove compartment when we crossed into Canada a few days before. I reached in, grabbed the passports, counted them, and FROZE! My passport was MISSING! I checked the compartment again. Nothing! I checked in the bottom compartment. Nothing! I looked under my seat. Nothing! So, Chris pulled over for a more thorough search.

Needless to say, panic mode set in. Where in the world did it go? Did the Canadian birder agent accidentally keep it? Did one of the kids grab it to look at the picture?

Then, my questions changed… What if they don’t let me back across the border? How long will I be stuck here? Am I going to be interrogated? Thank goodness my parents in love are here to help Chris with the kiddos. I’ll call my parents and have them bring me my birth certificate. But, where will I stay until they get here?

All of a sudden, we see two Canadian agents begin walking towards us. Uh-oh! Then, we hear sirens and a border patrol jeep pulls up beside us. We also see an American agent peak around to stand guard…double UH-OH! We were about to be hauled into the interrogation room and possibly thrown into jail. (Yes, I realize I was being unreasonable, but I had never had the calvary of ANY country called in on me. 🙂 ) I was officially freaking out!

Thankfully, my calm, cool, and collected hubby was not freaking out. The agents came and asked us what was going on and did we know we were putting others at risk. (Let me say they were quite nice about this whole “lecture,” and I was thankful for that.) I admitted I couldn’t find my passport, so they told us to just proceed and to figure it out with the American border agent. She was a younger gal and was, under the circumstances, also kind. She gave us another small lecture and then simply asked for my driver’s license. After looking up my passport number, she let us back in the Great United States of America!! I’ve never been so glad to be HOME!!

Immediately, I BURST into tears. I cried for probably 20 minutes…partly out of relief, partly out of extreme exhaustion (Aaron hadn’t slept well the night before), and partly out of frustration. How did I lose my passport when I never took it out of the car?! After 20 minutes of crying and silence, Chris pulled over for us to have a potty break. And, then the lightbulb went “off.” At the Canadian border I had dropped something between the seat and the middle console. Could it have been my passport? I got out, pulled back the seat, and sitting there without s care in the world was my beloved MUCH needed passport!!

As KK would say: HALLELUJAH!! What once was lost has now been found! At that point I bursted into tears AGAIN…only this time is was tears of relief and joy! (By the way, tears of sadness men seem to understand, but tears of joy are still a mystery to them 🙂 )

I was reminded that if we choose to continue the “nomadic” lifestyle, mishaps will happen. I am a person who likes and thrives off of order. There has been NOTHING orderly about this trip. Because we’ve been blessed to do a lot of traveling and day trips, our kiddos sleeping, eating, educational, and all other habits are a bit off schedule. But, God knows I need this. Just like He used our New York City detour to remind me about the importance of spontaneity, He used the passport debacle to remind me of faith/trusting Him.

I trust way too much in my routine and schedule. I trust way too much in my concept of orderliness. And, yesterday was anything but orderly. I wouldn’t say that I handled the aftermath all that well (the 30 plus minutes of uncontrollable crying and unreasonable questions can attest to that). But, I want to be better at it. When we get back home, I want to allow more time for spontaneous adventures and trusting that those adventures, for the moment, will be better than a scheduled 7:30 bedtime. There is a place for order, and this mama will probably always strive for a little of it. However, I also want my children to experience the freedom that this “nomadic” lifestyle has allowed. We’ve all grown because of it!

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