Everything with me is considered a journey. I love the idea of starting out on an adventure not knowing what will happen, how long it will take, or what obstacles and/or victories I will encounter along the way. About a month ago, I began the journey towards running/surviving a half marathon before or during my 40th year. (Technically, I began it last summer, but for differing reasons, I got derailed. So…I start again.) I had the same goal for my 30th birthday. With lots starts and stops and the help from a friend, I completed that goal. During that season I was single, living alone, and making my own schedule. Now, I am married to an amazing man, mommy to three beautiful kiddos, and have almost no control of my own schedule. But…I am confident I can do it. Admittedly, I have more obstacles than I did 8 years ago, and my body is definitely NOT what it used to be. But, I am perfectly OK with that fact. Why? Because it means that my life is full. It’s filled with giggles, snuggles, hugs, mommy questions, dirty hands (and diapers), and complete love from my children. It’s also filled with constant encouragement and admiration  from my hubby. And, I wouldn’t trade any of it. So, here’s to new beginnings. I hope you will join me on this journey. I’ll report back from time to time with my progress. Prayerfully, at the end of this journey, will be me crossing (either running or crawling) the finish line of a yet determined half marathon.

My face says it all. This was a month ago when I thought I was going to pass out from all that exertion.


This was taken this week after a two mile run/walk. Still hard, but I didn’t think I was going to die.