The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

Month: July 2018

Pictures of Prince Edward Island

I wasn’t able to post pictures earlier in the week because we had a bad internet connection. My prayer is you will enjoy a little glimpse into one of the prettiest places God created. I loved touring around and seeing a place that only existed in my dreams. And…there was something sweet in realizing that you are never too old to get excited about your own dreams coming true.

Anne’s room look out over her beloved cherry tree

It’s Anne coming up from the field

Anne with my girls 🙂

Green Gables…Isn’t it stunning?!

Aaron LOVED Matthew’s carriage

Kinded Spirits

A Morning at Green Gables

Today was absolutely divine! (Said in my best Anne Shirley accent 🙂 ) This morning I got to spend a day at Green Gables. The moment I walked onto the site, I was a little girl again. Chris let me go a little ahead of them, and thank goodness. The minute I got a glimpse of Green Gables my heart swelled with tears. I was finally here! 

I have dreamed of walking where Anne and Diana played, laughed, and got into mischief, and today it became a reality. As I walked up the side of the house, I could almost picture Matthew coming in from a long day’s work. The cherry tree that drew Anne in with its brilliant blooms was perched exactly where it ought to be. Marilla’s kitchen was completely spotless with her apron hung appropriately outside the door. And, Anne’s room was just as I imagined…plain but with a simple elegance. 

Then…the BEST part of today happened. As I was coming out the side door, Anne literally walked up, through the pasture, and into the yard. Oh, I know it was only a sweet gal playing the part, but today I didn’t care. I introduced myself, my girls, and carried on with her as if we were kindred spirits. Normally, I am pretty sensible and reserved in my emotions. But…not today. Today was a day for childhood dreams to become a reality, and I was determined to enjoy every moment. Soon after meeting Anne, we saw Diana and later Gilbert. As they watched the actors interact with each other, my girls got to “experience” a pure, sweet friendship that I hope they will always remember. Anne and Diana would chat, tell each other secrets, and stop to snicker as people passed. 

As I watched them, I was reminded of the kindred spirits God has given me in my nearly 40 years. In every season of life, He has provided at least one person I could walk alongside. Today, I thought through those friendships and thanked my Good Father for giving them to me. I’ve toured the world with some of them. I’ve laughed myself silly with some, and I’ve grown closer to Christ because of all of them. Anne used to say: “Kindred spirits are not as scarce as I once thought them to be.” And, I couldn’t agree more! I’m thankful I was reminded of that and hope I don’t forget it.

My morning at Green Gables will go down as one of the highlights of my life. The only thing better…experiencing it with my mom next week when my parents come to visit.

Until next weekend…

PS: I’ll post more pictures tomorrow when out internet connection is better. 🙂

Welcome to Green Gables

Meeting Anne with an E

It’s super late here, but I can’t go to sleep without sharing the wonderfulness of this day! THIS day… Since I was my girls’ age, it has been a dream in the making. Today, I left the United States, crossed over the border into Canada, and then crossed over a loooong bridge into PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND!! EEEEK!!! 

If you have known me for any length of time, you know it has been a dream of mine to see the place where Anne with an E “lived.” I’ve longed to see the rolling hills, Lake of Shining Waters, White Way of Delight, and, of course, Green Gables. Though I will have to wait until tomorrow to see most of this, tonight, I got to meet and “see” Anne with an E.

Chris bought me, Cindy, and the girls tickets to the Anne of Green Gables Musical, and it was everything (and more) that I hoped it would be. The girl who played Anne embodied the red-headed orphan girl tremendously. There were times when I got so caught up in the story that I forgot it wasn’t “real.” But, then again, it WAS real. In a very real sense, I was actually sitting IN a theatre, in Prince Edward Island, and seeing the play that sparked my imagination so many years ago. You see, it was through Anne that my love of English, and words, and speaking began to take root. It was Anne who reminded me that asking questions was perfectly acceptable. It was Anne who taught me that no matter how bad today was, “tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it.” And, it was Anne who taught me that “being smart was better than being beautiful.” 

The story of Anne has been part of my childhood, and now it is part of my girls’. We’ve been reading the books for weeks, and I introduced them to the movies as soon as I thought it was appropriate. They have fallen in love with Anne’s story just as much as I have, and tonight it was an absolute dream to be with them watching the story that changed my life.  

Furthermore, we got the surprise of our lives. As we were leaving the theatre, Anne popped out of the dressing room. Oh! What a joy and a delight to meet Anne with an E! No…she wasn’t in costume, but it didn’t really matter to me (or the girls). For one moment, I was back as a seven-year old little girl and meeting my hero. (Even now the computer keys have become blurry from the tears of joy!) Tonight was definitely a night I will always remember. 

In moments like these, I’m reminded of the love our Heavenly Father has for us. He allows little moments of pure, raw, unadulterated happiness to sweep over us. Sometimes He allows us to “meet” our childhood heroes. And, all the time, He reminds me that all of life is nothing more than pure grace. 

Tomorrow I get to explore this beautiful island, and I can’t wait to share it with you. But, for now, I sleep (or, at least try to sleep). 

Meet Anne with an E

We Have Visitors

We have some exciting news to share with everyone…Honey and Pop are HERE! When Chris and I made arrangements to come to Maine, we immediately asked our parents if they wanted to come. We are so blessed that both of them were excited to come join us for a week at a time. The first ones to arrive are the Walkers. 

Today is Honey’s birthday, and the girls planned a surprise Luau themed party for her. I loved watching their excitement as they picked out the decor, decorated the table BY THEMSELVES, and then planned the menu and dessert. They ran ahead to unlock the front door so they could be the first ones to surprise her. What a blessing and joy to this mama’s heart! 









We were also super excited to show them around our little town and have them meet our new friends. This evening we introduced them to our backyard, which was super fun for the kiddos. They climbed rocks and experienced the freezing Atlantic Ocean.

Showing Honey how to climb the big rock

Aaron has missed his Pop


Then…it was party time! 

One of my favorite things this summer is watching the friendship between my girls deepen. At home they have their own sets of friends, and they aren’t together most of the day. However, this summer it has only been the two of them. Don’t get me wrong, they still have some epic fights. But, they are starting to have some little inside jokes, lots of laughs, and crazy hand claps. (Cinderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss her fellow… 🙂 ) It’s been fun to watch them play in the water, build sandcastles, help each other climb rocks, and have some amazing air hockey games. My prayer is their friendship will continue to deepen, and they will return to Louisiana closer than when we left. I long for them to be best friends, and I’m beginning to see hints of it.

A Down East Independence Day

Happy 4th of July from the East Coast! We’ve had such a fun time exploring more of our “neighborhood” and seeing this beautiful part of the country. 

On Monday, we went to Lubec, Maine, which is the eastern most point of the United States. This is the first place the sun hits in this great land. How cool it was to imagine the reality that “our day” begins here! We were greeted with the sweetest white/red striped lighthouse named West Quoddy Lighthouse. It’s one of the most photographed lighthouses in America, and I now know why. It was impossible to get a bad picture. It was also fun for me to see our kiddos run circles around the lighthouse all the while laughing and having a blast being kids. In some “weird” way, I felt like part of a dream was coming true. It was one of the most “American” images/moments for me. I think that memory will forever be engraved into my memory. 

West Quoddy Lighthouse in Lubec, Maine




















On Tuesday, we went back to Roque Bluffs and actually got in the water…well the kiddos did. 🙂 This beach is both rocky and sandy, but totally different from the beaches of Florida. It was the first time on a beach where the kiddos could actually play, build sandcastles, while we sat back and enjoyed watching them play. 

Roque Bluffs “sandy” beach


















Then today was one of the coolest 4th of Julys we’ve celebrated. We decided to go to Eastport, which is one of the smallest towns in Maine but has the biggest 4th of July celebration in the state. For years a navy ship has docked in its port and allowed the public to come aboard for a tour. There were sailors all over town! Living in Louisiana, I consider us pretty patriotic. But, this town outdid even us. 🙂 It was also neat to celebrate our country’s birthday in the area where our forefathers landed. Every movie I’ve ever seen about patriotism in small town America became a reality today. The only thing missing was the watermelon. 

Eastport, Maine…home of the largest 4th of July Celebration in the state.

























And, finally…the girls have been fascinated watching me write our blog. So, they wrote a blog post (aka: a letter) and asked that I publish it on the blog. They were written to the pastor’s daughters, Victoria and Brooklyn, as a “Thank you” for allowing us to come to their home. 

Dear Victoria

Thank you for playing with me. I had a fun time playing in the pool with you. You are a really good BFF. I loved makeing the domnios eavein when they fell. I knew that me and you were going to be friends. I loved that me and you were in the class. I don’t know your birthday. Can you tell me? Pleas? You are a good pal. 

I love you!



KK writing her blog







Dear Brooklyn:

I liked plang  with you in the pool. It wos fon. Thank you for plang with me.



And..then there is Hannah








(I wrote it exactly like they had it. 🙂  )

Life in a Small Town

The last few days have been quite busy around here. Wednesday we decided to go exploring to find new hiking trails. We ended up at Roques Bluff, which was absolutely beautiful! Due to the terrain, Chris took the girls hiking while Boogie and I found a small playground. One of the sweet things about this place is the friendliness of its people. Everywhere we go people are super helpful and truly interested in getting to know us. The playground was no exception. I met this sweet college gal who was home for the summer and there playing with her little sisters. Danielle gave me more information on the history of the town and tips on how to enjoy the 4th of July. Apparently, they do Independence Day big around here 🙂 I am so enjoying getting to know this home away from home. 

On Thursday, we celebrated Hannah’s 6th birthday. I can’t believe our girl has gotten so big! She’s turning into quite the young lady. She’s incredibly inquisitive, compassionate, hilarious, and fun to be around. She’s loved by her sister and brother and enjoys making friends wherever she goes. This day started off with a Daddy/daughter breakfast date, snuggling on the cough watching her favorite movie (is was cold and rainy), and ended up with swimming, burgers, and a small birthday party. Since we’re away from home, it was so special to have her cousins call and join in singing Happy Birthday. Hannah said: “This was my best birthday EVER!” 

Chris has also given me some much needed “girl time.” We’ve gotten involved with a sweet church here, and I was able go with their ladies to Campobello Island for lunch.  (Campobello Island is in New Brunswick Canada.) I’ll admit, it was super fun for me to grab my passport on the way out. I learned that Campobello Island is where the Roosevelts had their summer home. One of the ladies, who organized the luncheon, grew up on the island and her father was a ship builder who repaired/built boats for the Roosevelts. What fun to hear stories of lobster fishing, boat building, and summer homes! Life up here is so different from life in Louisiana.

The luncheon also gave me the opportunity to spend time with the pastor’s wife, Marcy, and discover that we truly are kindred spirits. Friday, they invited us over for lunch, and what a blessing it was to be with their family! Their girls played well with ours, and we enjoyed hearing more of their story. How thankful we are that God has given us this family! We look forward to many more lunches, suppers, and playdates.  

This week we have been overcome by the blessing of our loving Father. We’ve only been here a week, but, at times, it feels much longer…and we are thankful for that! I’m enjoying every minute of downtime with my sweet family. I love how God has deepened our love for each other during this season of rest. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life, and our time here has forced us to slow down, really look at each other, and learn how to actually spend time together instead of just passing time.



Our new friends, the Larabie girls.

Celebrating Hannah’s 6th Birthday with homemade cake and Daddy snuggles

Exploring Roque Bluffs

Amanda: “Where do people go to get coffee?”
Person: “Most people go to McDonalds. Their Frozen Cold Brew is amazing!” 🙂

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