The Modern Nomads

One Family's Journey

The Walker’s Week

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you wish it would either end or you could start all over again?! Well that’s how this week has been in the Walker household.  Amanda has been sick most of the week with that lovely summer cold that seems to be making its way around Ruston. After 5,000 Kleenexes, 2 antibiotics, 2 shots, and an inhaler…I may be on the mend.  I didn’t know that a nose could blow that many times and still remain attached to your face. I think it has swollen to twice its size, but they tell me it WILL go down. 🙂

But in the midst of dealing with that (and as a result of the steroid shot) I did cook Chris one of the best meals of our married life this week. We had salmon, pasta, green beans, and rolls…be impressed…be very impressed!! Actually, Chris was so impressed with it that he took a picture 🙂  Poor thing, I’m not much of a cook, but I think he likes it when I give it a shot.

Aren’t you Amazed?! (I personally would have out it on the red plate for the picture 🙂 )

So it’s just now Wednesday…and this is where we are. I’m anxious to see what happens to the rest of the week. You never know around here…


Blessings of Family…


Birthdays and Baby Showers


  1. i'm wondering why i never got that…i have pictures of things you tried to cook for us – saving them for posterity! i appreciated your trying too though! ; )

  2. Didn't know you were blogging. What fun! Love the modern nomads name. We have called ourselves "nomads with passports" for some time now too!

  3. Amanda, did it taste as good as it looks? 🙂 I'm enjoying your blog…!

  4. Yum! It looks delicious. Way to go Amanda!!! I recognize those beautiful plates. Hope you are feeling better.

  5. Yummy Yummy! I love salmon. We cooked it a lot at the Buie household. Good stuff! Keep it up girl!

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