The last month has been fun, frustrating, interesting, hilarious, and all other emotions in between. We’ve spent countless hours in the van and with each other. When you spend that much time with people, there, of course, will be things that come up that you never dreamed. 

As we get ready to leave Maine Saturday and move on to our next phase of our journey, I thought I would put together some of the top things that I’ve said on this epic road trip. I realize with two more weeks left, there will be other things that come up, but these were just too good to pass up. I also want to remember this part of the trip and how I felt. It’s difficult to think that in 3 short days we will begin our long trip back west, but we are leaving with so many amazing memories. God has been so sweet to us and given us amazing family time that has produced countless memories. Maine has become a type of sanctuary for us, and I will never forget the kindness of our church family in giving us this time away. 

So…without further ado…here are the Top 10 things I thought I would never say:

  • Stop gagging yourself. (Aaron did this to pass time.)
  • If you throw up, you’ll have a consequence. (See above quote)
  • Stop hitting your sister/brother with rocks.
  • Everyone in one car so we can cross the border.
  • If, you take a nap, I’ll give you a snack. 
  • I really miss Walmart. 
  • I cannot produce food out of nothing…only Jesus can do that.
  • Sure! You can run around naked. (AKA…without a shirt)
  • Baby, I’m craving some McDonald’s coffee! 
  • I’m glad our van got hit by a deer. It’s made me realize that our kiddos really don’t need the DVD for entertainment.

Be looking for a blog about the time spent with the Taylor grandparents. I’ll be posting it soon!

A month in and still all smiles! (This pic was taken after he got ahold of a water bottle and poured it all over himself while I was distracted by finding out where we were. 🙂 )