Yesterday, we left Machiasport, Maine and headed west. We are so thankful for the Machias community and their love for us this summer. Immediately, we felt like we had lived here our entire lives. The people of Downeast Maine are kind, loving, giving, and some of the most helpful people I have ever met. 

The girls with their swim teacher, Ace.

One of those families is the Larabies. Matt and Marcy are originally from Canada. But, a year ago, God called them to plant their lives in Machias and serve the people there. We “happened” upon Machias Valley Baptist Church because the church we planned to parter with had closed down (so sad!!), and MVBC was the only one that had a working website. However, we believe nothing happens by chance, and we know God led us specifically to this sweet church.

Machias Valley Baptist Church

Matt and Marcy were a breath of fresh air to us, and their girls were amazing towards our little people. Later, we found out that they had informed their church that a pastor’s family was there for a sabbatical, and he asked them to love on us and be an encouragement to us. I was able to go to a Ladies’ Luncheon, and Chris was able to connect with Matt about pastor/ministry related stuff. They had us over to their home several times, and they were a huge help when KK had to spend the morning in the ER. 

Would you please pray for this sweet family? Pray God would continue to give them favor as they serve the Machias Valley area. Pray they wouldn’t get discouraged, which is so easy to do in ministry. Pray that the church would continue to grow, not just numerically but in spiritual depth and emotional health. And, most of all, pray the name of Jesus would be lifted up and glorified through the preaching of His Word. We will definitely miss this sweet family.  

The Walkers and Larabies

Matt and Chris

Marcy and Amanda








As we drove on from Machiasport, we ended up in Quebec, Canada. We’ve been in and out of Canada a lot this summer, but this was the first time we actually felt like we were in another country. Quebec is a sweet, absolutely beautiful province! I loved going into the grocery store and hearing only French. I enjoyed driving down the road and seeing only signs in French. (Thankfully, Chris remembers a bit of French from his high school days.) And, I found it amusing that the Sunday morning cartoons were only in French and ones my kiddos had not seen. It was fun having them tell us what they thought was going on in the story. 

Walker kiddos watching French cartoons 🙂

Entering Quebec Province

Beautiful countryside








We are experiencing so many new things, and I love that my kiddos get to experience it with us. I know they don’t yet understand the significance of this trip or the amazing cultural experiences they have had this summer, but I hope one day they will look back on this summer with fondness and appreciation. It has taken awhile, but I think we have 3 new mini Modern Nomads in the making.  🙂